We illuminate the path towards

inner radiance & global harmony.

Explore your journey to holistic well-being and a harmonious connection with both yourself and the world around you through Illuminate HumaNature, a visionary social enterprise. Our mission is to optimize well-being with and for people and the planet. We would love to help you tap into your own inner glow and brilliance to share with the world.

Are you ready to embark on a transformational path to:

  • Elevate your health and wellbeing?

  • Craft a life that resonates with joy and fulfillment?

  • Cultivate balance in all aspects of your life?

  • Liberate yourself from stress and discomfort?

  • Rewire patterns that no longer serve you?

  • Harness your personal power to manifest your desires?

  • Embrace natural rhythms that nurture health and abundance?

Your Brilliant Future Awaits:

Illuminate HumaNature empowers you to transcend boundaries, embrace vitality, and contribute to a healthier planet. Deidre Schuetz's unwavering commitment to guiding your journey ensures that your transformation is both profound and lasting.

Take the First Step:

Ignite Your Glow: Embark on a voyage of self-discovery, purpose, and global resonance that will forever redefine your connection to yourself and the planet.

Join the Movement: Be a catalyst for positive change – in your life and on our planet.

Unveil Your Brilliance with Illuminate HumaNature's Transformative Approach

  • Design Your Path

    Collaborate with Deidre to craft a personalized roadmap, aligning your wellness aspirations with a harmonious connection to the planet. Identify patterns and habits that damper versus amplify your vitality.

  • Break Free and Elevate

    Liberate yourself from limiting patterns, embracing boundless energy as you unlock your vibrant life. Tap into your own intuition and self-knowledge to discover the most vibrant pathway to live your dream.

  • Ignite Inner Wisdom

    Tap into your intuitive self, revealing a unique pathway to wellness and purpose that resonates with nature's rhythms. Help you generate and emanate your inner glow. Enjoy your self-sustainable, brilliant results!

Hi I’m Deidre

I am a dedicated wellness facilitator for individuals and the planet, bringing over two decades of experience. As a licensed massage therapist specializing in therapeutic and medical massage since 2006, I've contributed to integrated healthcare settings, aiding in both preventive health and injury recovery.

With an extensive background in diverse fields across sectors, disciplines, and cultures, as well as sustainability, mind-body optimization, and horticultural therapy, I offer a unique perspective. My trilingual abilities and extensive international experience, including six years living abroad, further enrich my approach.

I am passionate about advocating for the health benefits of gardens and fostering human-nature balance. Through remote and in-person coaching in healthy habits and behavior change, I am dedicated to supporting your journey towards enhanced wellbeing and vision fulfillment.

How to Work Together: